Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Gay reporting

The frivolous comments made by a health minister in Singapore has provoked massive outrage in the Singapore blogging community (and of course the gay activists). However, we all know that one of the golden rules of ST reporting is that anything said by the government, especially propaganda is instantly deemed reputable and hence publishable in the ST.

The allegation that gays contribute greatly to the rise in AIDS levels is not only unfounded but irresponsible and insensitive. One wonders if our leaders are really so bigoted and close-minded to issues such as homosexuality, in which case we should really query if such close-minded people are worthy enough to lead us especially since it is an oxymoron for such people to promote 'creativity' and 'critical thinking'.

But of course, the excellence of our ministers are hardly in doubt, since most of them are the elite from our population. Why then, did this aforementioned minister make such a comment regarding gays? And why did the ST media publish it?

While I reserve my opinion on homosexuality, as I am hardly qualified to cast judgment on how others choose to live their lives, I do wonder why homosexuality has suddenly blossomed into our society. Did they accede to the increasing gay population and awareness in the SG populace and thus show more recognition for it? I have never heard of the SG government acceding to public pressure before (amazing fact for a democracy), and this is no exception. Of course, the pragmatic SG government 'accepted' homosexuality because of purely economic reasons(US).

Homosexuality is still very taboo to a big part of the population. It is clear that both government and majority of the population still frown against homosexuality. Perhaps, there is a reason why there is still intolerance of homosexuals in our society. For most 'traditional' people, they feel that homosexuality is 'wrong' or 'immoral' or 'unnatural'.

What about the SG government? Are they similarly 'traditionalists' such that they cannot accept the idea of homosexuality?

I suggest that their antipathy, unlike citizens, are founded more on pragmatic reasons rather than 'traditional' reasons. As I mentioned earlier homosexuality was only tacitly acknowledged by the government a few years back, and this was due to political/economic rather than social pressure. However, the aversion to homosexuals is surely one which is analogous to the aversion to singles (yes, let us not forget that singles are very much discriminated against in SG as well). Simply because homosexuals, like singles, will not contribute to the economy as baby production factories unlike traditional heterosexual couples. As such, this will worsen the birth-rate situation in Singapore, and therefore the potential future of SG.

Such disparaging remarks provokes added antipathy toward homosexuality by adding fear (of AIDS) and anathema into the melting pot which already consists of disgust and bigotry. As such, anti-homosexuality resentment by the masses will increase, which the government hopes will translate as pro-heterosexuality- and hence more babies.


Blogger Darthsid said...

Nothing of value to add..
Nevertheless, nice one!

1:11 PM  
Blogger redrown said...

Thanks, will be covering similar topics in the next few posts...

7:00 AM  
Blogger Darthsid said...

Will be much better than reading The Straits Times.. That's for sure..

10:11 AM  
Blogger Zen|th said...

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3:10 PM  
Blogger Zen|th said...

Nice entry. :) It's always been that way in Singapore since "the excellence of our ministers are hardly in doubt".

I just think that before one makes allegations, one should make sure that those allegations have proper foundation.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Dan tdaxp said...

At least in the United States, homosexuality is a leading cause of AIDS. I'm not sure what the numbers in Singapore are, but I would assume that if not the majority cause, homosexualism is still a "great" cause.

-Dan tdaxp

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite ridiculous...

"OH I'm anti gay, so I will now begin to beget babies..."


its a ridiculous assumption. homosexuality has nothing to do with babies. Since there is less pressure to be married and beget children these days, gays aren't pressured into arranged marriages like the old days. is this even significant?

Do we really want gays to get married and have children? their children will most likely turn out gay after all, with all the incremental genetic evidence on homosexuality.

The real reason why we have a low birth rate is because if we cannot afford to retire, how the hell can we afford to have babies.

Have you seen the advertisements on the MRT recently? $500,000 for a child's education..
2.5 kids = 1.5 million per nuclear family. an impossibility for most.

1:48 AM  
Blogger redrown said...

dan: perhaps so, but as Zenith has said, allegations (even by a minister) has to have proper foundation. So far, nothing has been produced in Sg that has convinced me (or many others for that matter). Not too sure about the US situation, but from what I gather from the stats on your site, it is New HIV cases rather than total HIV cases - so to be more precise, Homosexuality in US is a leading cause in the increase in AIDS. In SG, it is a similar situation - perhaps on reason is because govt funded sex education (safe sex) etc is primarily targeted at heterosexuality rather than homosexuality.

4:26 AM  
Blogger redrown said...

I think you have chosen to interpret my passage wrongly.

The low birth rate is NOT due to homosexuality, but if more people choose to take a homosexual lifestyle, I suggest it will drop further. I am suggesting this is the reason for the govts' antagonistic response toward homosexuality. They are being pragmatic, as usual - A homosexual couple is even less likely to have children than a heterosexual couple, ceteris paribus.

4:31 AM  
Blogger redrown said...

the last post was addressed to anon1:48

4:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds great, but I've seen very different opinions of aed central

7:57 AM  

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