Its embarrassing
I don't know about fellow Singaporeans but I can assure you I cringe when I read such stuff in the ST.
Firstly, I seriously mistook the 'Taupoking' letter (which I first read from another source) as a satirical article. I was shocked when I realised that the writer was not only serious but actually thought that publishing such a letter in the forum was the best solution. The word 'Taupok' in itself is inherently hilarious and he still helpfully supplied a description of the act by using phrases such as 'Taupoking'. I mean, come on man! Try to keep a straight face during a 'serious' conversation with phrases like 'I totally condemn taupoking. Taupokers should be punished severly'. That is how ridiculously the letter reads. The number of satirical references to this ludicrous letter is various blogs is fully deserved! And very funny too. But the original, is still the class act. Too bad it was meant to be serious, else it would have served as good evidence that Singaporean writers have comedic talent.
And then when you thought that was dumb enough, a woman writes to the ST to complain about her faulty bra! I am seriously not sure if the ST medium is the best place for such complaints. Since names are essential for a letter to be published, she essentially is declaring to the world (1)she has no assets whatsoever (2)she is clueless on choosing appropriate channels (3)she is inviting embarssment to herself. Oh, and that she has an itchy right neh..erm...torso.
Classic case of social suicide there. I thought suicide was banned in Singapore. Perhaps they should extend it to social suicide as well. And social homicide for that matter, then the 'Taupokee's' Dad would be guilty of that.
And then there is the genius who suggested that Singaporeans should use dog-tags when overseas so that they can be identified. Well, I am somewhat against this idea since (1)We are not dogs (2)Erm then what are passports and ICs for?? I would hate it if I had to wear a dog tag 'just in case I died' since it is a holiday rather than a war that I am going to. Maybe that is why dog-tags are only used for soldiers in war? Then there is this minor issue of 'civil rights' which of course is nonexistent in Singaporeans minds.
I don't know how long these geniuses take to craft their letters but it certainly looks like they took about 5 seconds to consider through the issues they raised before firing off their letters to the press.
Actually, the whole Singaporean system of complaints through Forum Letters is pretty unique. Most countries have parliamentary debate, question time and active campaigning but of course, Singaporeans rely on their 2 mediums, one being a letter to the forum, the other being a 'complaint to the MP'. Which is actually pretty sad since important issues such as government policy which you may wish to raise (Yeah right, as if anyone bothers/dares) stands beside letters complaining of their leaky bras.
In other words, we have an Aunt Agony system for resolving our issues. I can raise quite a few more issues on why such a system is both wrong and inadequate but I'll leave that to another time.